About Me
Hello! I’m Yvette.
I teach Yoga and I am also a dog sitter.
I started teaching Yoga right after I finished my teacher training in 2007 and I must be honest, I did not enjoy teaching Yoga for many years. I LOVED the practice but NOT teaching because I never enjoyed drawing attention and speaking in front of people and I was often exhausted after teaching and thought about quitting many many times.
Now looking back on those days, I can see that I didn’t quit teaching because I knew that teaching Yoga for me was a big part of my Yoga practice… Doing something that made me feel “uncomfortable”or “out of my comfort zone”.
I believe that any kind of true progress is slow and steady and after teaching for over ten years now, I can say that I now enjoy being “uncomfortable” at times whether it is when I am practicing or teaching. It is okay to be imperfect, be myself, not liked by everybody, etc.
This is also my intention when I teach Yoga. Observe your patterns, your tendencies, your comfort zone… and explore how you can push yourself just a little bit at a time to explore something new or different. Let go of being perfect or how you “should” do this or that.
I’ve heard before that “Yoga is cross-training for life” and I know this to be true from experience in many ways. One example is that my Yoga practice definitely helps me with my dog sitting. I truly believe that the strength and flexibility that I gain from my practice keeps the dogs that I take care of both calm and happy… and I must admit the dogs make me calm and happy too!
I was born and raised in the States but I lived in Tokyo, Japan for over ten years so you will see me writing or talking in Japanese from time to time. I remember being angry at my parents when I had to move to Japan and learn a new culture but now I am very grateful that I can observe the world from two different perspectives.
I hope to share more about me, my practice, my teachings through this website.
Thank you for visiting!!
何故なら“PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH” 「説いていることを自分自身が実行せねば」というだけあって、教えているからこそプラクティスさせられることがあり、そのおかげですこ〜しずつとはいえ私の体、気持ち、考え方に良い変化が起きているのが実感でき、ヨガの素晴らしさを一人でも多くに広めたい!という気持ちにつながっているからです。