meditation sneak attack!
I’m not gonna lie. I was not interested in meditation. When I had “meditation homework” the first time I took Yoga teacher training, I skipped them. I wanted to DO the Yoga poses! Just sit and breathe?! BORING😴!!
As I continued my active Yang Yoga practice, I started to feel wrist, knee, and shoulder pain and since I had to take a break, I tried Yin Yoga for the first time at home.
I thought Yin Yoga would be a temporary practice I will try while I recover from my mild injuries, but when I started to physically feel how staying in these Yin Yoga poses for minutes and relaxing my body had a completely different sensation and effect in my body, I was hooked. I became fascinated because the more I focused while I was still for minutes, more and more subtle sensations seemed to arise into my awareness and they never stop arising. This made me want to DO the Yin Yoga poses!
I was so hooked that I went to take Yin Yoga teacher training with Paul & Suzee Grilley and I found out we had to sit every morning in meditation for 40 minutes! YIKES. I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if I could sit still in silence with no fidgeting for 40 minutes.
But when Paul led us into our first meditation and I noticed how I had already been practicing stillness while observing what arises, sitting in meditation was not only doable, it was actually super interesting similar to when I am in the Yin Yoga poses.
Unbeknownst to me, meditation was actually doing a sneak attack on me while I practiced Yin Yoga! and now I can sense the benefits of a consistent meditation practice doing a sneak attack on me too. Sneaky!