Un-doing for more doing

That’s me under my woobie doing caterpillar pose, aka let’s stretch the back of the body pose, yin style.

A few nights ago I saw Rachael & Vilray in concert. I love listening to live music and dancing. I want to be able to do it until I’m 108 years old.

We often focus on trying to look younger. I understand. I dye my hair too. But I don’t FEEL young when I dye my hair. It actually feels like a reminder that I am old. I want to FEEL younger as long as possible so I can continue to do the activities that I enjoy.

I often say Yin Yoga feels like un-doing. As you marinate in the Yin poses, you can feel the muscles and tissues of your body slowly deactivate and release unnecessary tension. To me, it feels like I’m giving my body time to reset to the mobility I had the day before by chipping away the tension that was needed for my body to move and resist gravity and stay up right all day long.

And this is why I’m in this pre-sleep caterpillar pose with fingers interlaced between my toes for extra Yin effect. I un-stand and un-dance so I can continue to stand and dance until I’m 108.



